Wine Toasting 101

Enjoying wine for a special occasion or at an event often results in making toasts. But, why? In this article, we’ll clear up the mystery surrounding this traditional way of celebrating. Learn more about its history, etiquette, and we’ll even give you some insider tips. After reading this you’ll be sure to impress your guest at your next dinner.

The History

Wine toasting in modern society occurs at a wide range of occasions. Friends and family raise the glass to a newly wedded couple, co-workers celebrate a retiring employee by clinking their glasses together, a new year starts with wishes and a toast. Any reason to celebrate is a reason to toast! So when did we start this tradition? The history of making toasts dates all the way back to 450 A.D. During a feast for a Saxon king, a young woman raised her glass and wished good health to the king. The feast turned into a wedding because the king felt so honored by the woman’s gesture. The tradition of toasting with a goblet of wine at weddings was born that day.


French Toast

The term, toasting, also comes from a historical context. Before the making of wine was refined, sediment often remained at the bottom of a wine glass. The French came up with a simple solution to prevent accidentally drinking the sediment. They placed a piece of toast or bread in the glass to soak up the small stones.

Elegant Impression

Wine is often provided during formal occasions and calls for a certain level of elegance. Don’t worry with these two simple tips you’ll be a master toaster in no time.

1. Try not to talk with your hands while making a toast. Moving the hands around will cause the wine to slosh around in the glass, which will distract the guests from your toast.

2. You might be nervous and ready to get the whole thing over with, but be careful.  When you’re ready, raise the glass slowly and steadily. Don’t use a sharp motion, or the wine might spill all over you.

Don’t forget you actually have to say a few words before raising your glass. Be authentic when expressing your blessings and love towards the celebrated. Don’t overthink it too much, your guests will be sure to appreciate your kind words when you speak from the heart.  

Tips for Toasting

 At our winery, we’ve seen hundreds, if not thousands, of toasts. So to help you create the perfect moment we’ve gathered some useful tips and tricks we’ve learned over the years.

· Write your speech in advance of the occasion. It helps to work out the wording before the actual event. This will give you some time to practice and calm your nerves.

· KISS, Keep It Short and Simple. Wine toasting often seems to end up with big words that half of the audience doesn’t even understand. Ask yourself “Would I use these words in a normal conversation?”

· Aim for about 1 minute. Less is more, in this case, keep it sweet and to the point. Besides, holding up your glass for a long amount of time will make your arm hurt. So if your arm is starting to cramp, it’s time to finish up your speech 😉.

· Practice makes perfect. Get a bottle of wine and pour yourself a glass. Toast every lunch and dinner (and breakfast if you’re dedicated) even if it’s just you and your cat. It’ll help you feel more comfortable with toasting.

That’s it, you’ve done it! Smile and (carefully) raise your glass. Remember, practice makes perfect so don’t be discouraged if it doesn’t go exactly as you envisioned. It’s the gesture that really counts. Now go and impress your guests with your newly learned skills!


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